(Michael Elbel) (09/01/89)
I have two problems with bash, maybe they are not local to our systems here
Try the following thing:
foo() {
read zoom
read boom < /dev/tty
echo $zoom $boom
As long as you run it without input redirection, everything is fine.
But if you do something like
cat >/tmp/bar
giving you a two line file and feed that into 'foo'
foo </tmp/bar
I now expect to be able to write something in variable $boom from my keyboard
(/bin/sh accepts it). But nope, bash gives me the line
frob net
and quits.
There seems to be no way to cancel the actual input line with 'intr' as in
sh or ksh. This is especially annoying if you are some levels deep in
'if', 'while' and so on clauses and want to get out, or you have hit some
unknown quoting character(s) bash keeps on prompting $PS2 till you
complete the syntax (or loose your mind).
Has anybody ran into the same problems ?
#include <usual_excuse_about_bad_english>
Michael Elbel, PCS Computer Systeme, Muenchen
(me@dude.PCS.COM for the World), (me@dude.PCS.DE for Europe)