[net.lan] Need LAN to support Standard Military NTDS computers

depaolo@noscvax.UUCP (Anthony D. dePaolo) (08/01/85)

Working for the DoD, we are frequently required to develop systems on standard
miltary hardware, such as the UYK-7, UYK-20, UYK-43, and UYK-44 computers from
Sperry.  I need to know if any work has been done for interfacing these types 
of computers to a commercial LAN (Ethernet, etc.) using NTDS interfaces.  NTDS
is Navy Tactical Data System, and the types of interfaces include NTDS Slow,
NTDS Fast, and ANEW.  I would think a network interface processor would have
to do the conversion from NTDS - Ethernet (or whateverNet).  Do these processors

Currently I have only heard of one effort for an NTDS computer fiber-optic ring,
which is very application specific.  Are there any others?

		Swimming in point-to-point spaghetti,
		    Tony de Paolo
		    Naval Ocean System Center
		    Code 723
