[gnu.bash.bug] Bug

gorpong@telxon (Gordon C. Galligher) (02/28/90)

There isn't a lot of bandwidth in this group (at least not at this site), so
I'm not sure what this group is created for, but from the name, I ass-u-me that
it is for the reporting of bugs in the BASH program.

I am real impressed with BASH, and in fact, I am using it as my login shell,
but there are a couple of real problems with it.  One of the major problems is
the ability to write shell scripts interactively.  Example:

	bash$ for i in this is a test
	> do
	> echo I == $i
	> done
 It should NOT ask me for any more input, it is already done!  I haven't looked
 at the source code, and I'm afraid that I really don't have the time to do it.
 I realize that all of the GNU stuff has the caveat emptor on it, but I just
 wanted to let someone know about the problem. 
There also seems to be a problem when using 'vi'.  For some strange reason, when
trying to use the command:  vi .bash_profile, I would get an Illegal Instruction
(and if ulimit -c wasn't set) a core dump.  This occured very sporadically.
It would happen quite a few times, and then I would do something else, and then
try it again, and it would work.  (Something else == ls, cp, cat, etc.)

All of this happens on a SUN 4/280 running SunOS 4.0.3.

Any pointers, or patches, would be greatly appreciated.  If I haven't given
enough detail, then please tell me, and I will do my best to give you what
you need.

		-- Gordon.

Gordon C. Galligher  <|> ..!uunet!telxon!gorpong <|> telxon!gorpong@uunet.uu.net
Telxon Corporation   <|> "I am attempting, ma'am, to make a mnemonic memory
Akron, Ohio, 44313   <|> circuit out of stone knives and bearskins"  - Spock
(216) 867-3700 (3512)<|>	_City on the Edge of Forever_