[soc.feminism] Welcome to soc.feminism

nadel@aspen.aero.org (Miriam Nadel) (06/02/89)

In talking among ourselves, we thought it was probably a good idea for each
of the moderators to post a brief intro about how we see this group and
how we'd handle certain controversial issues dealing with moderation.
First off, the subject is feminism and that implies that this group is
*not* a complete overlap with the subject matter of soc.women.  For example,
I would see it as inappropriate to discuss tampons here, except in the context
of something like "are manufacturers really responsive to women consumers"
type issues.   

Second, we haven't really resolved how much discussion about discrimination
against men is appropriate here.  My personal feeling is that this is
a legitimate issue for the group.  

Third, one of the big problems in soc.women has been discussing someone's
personality instead of their ideas.   I have no quibbles with controversy
but I will generally ask posters to edit out this sort of thing.  If the
only argument you have against what someone says is based on their
personality, I don't see where there's anything to discuss.   It is, however,
find to say "I think XXX is an irrational viewpoint."

Fourth, we don't want to get into abortion here - there's a newsgroup
just for that discussion.   My feeling is that a question on the order
of "why has abortion been such a big issue for the feminist movement"
is probably reasonable here but I think we want to avoid newsgroup

Fifth, as far as I know we all agreed on this one.  No crossposting.

Finally, the above is all my opinion and if there seems that the consensus
is against me, I'm willing to be flexible.   If anyone has a problem with
my actions as moderator, I would appreciate it if they discuss it with
me in email and see what we can work out.   

Miriam Nadel