[soc.feminism] can a human be feminist?

eli@spdcc.COM (Steve Elias) (06/07/89)

 druid@robotics.jpl.nasa.GOV (Andrew Kerne) writes:
>I don't think that men are in general have the right to say what is
>feminist -- it is something essentially defined by women.

	perhaps the sexist circumstance of our society defines feminism.

	that is, an _environmental_ definition of feminism and 
	human rights-ism.  the blatant lack of human rights for 
	some people defines the rights we must fight for.  
	perhaps the blatant sexism in our world defines feminism.  

	how is human rights-ism related to feminism?  
	are they fundamentally identical?  i think they might be.

 ...... Steve Elias (eli@spdcc.com);(6178591389); {}
 { Apple: keep your lawyers off of our computers! }

bmaraldo@watdcsu.waterloo.edu (Commander Brett Maraldo) (06/08/89)

In article <3463@ursa-major.SPDCC.COM> eli@ursa-major.spdcc.COM (Steve Elias) writes:
> druid@robotics.jpl.nasa.GOV (Andrew Kerne) writes:
>>I don't think that men are in general have the right to say what is
>>feminist -- it is something essentially defined by women.
>	perhaps the sexist circumstance of our society defines feminism.

	I thought that the whole premise of the feminist movement was 
the equality of women with respect to men - that is, the abolishment of
sexual oppression.  By saying men have 'no right...' you are oppressing
and that is as bad as a man opressing you.  Its too bad some people have
distorted the ideals of feminism with uncontrollable anger - unfortunately
these are the people we hear loudest - the UNfeminists.

Brett Maraldo
'For the equality of men and women and all things, universal.'
               --------     Unit 36 Research     ---------
	                "Alien Technology Today"

bmaraldo@watdcsu.waterloo.edu (Commander Brett Maraldo) (06/08/89)

In article <3463@ursa-major.SPDCC.COM> eli@ursa-major.spdcc.COM (Steve Elias) writes:
> druid@robotics.jpl.nasa.GOV (Andrew Kerne) writes:
>>I don't think that men are in general have the right to say what is
>>feminist -- it is something essentially defined by women.
>	perhaps the sexist circumstance of our society defines feminism.

	I thought that the whole premise of the feminist movement was 
the equality of women with respect to men - that is, the abolishment of
sexual oppression.  By saying men have 'no right...' you are oppressing
and that is as bad as a man opressing you.  Its too bad some people have
distorted the ideals of feminism with uncontrollable anger - unfortunately
these are the people we hear loudest - the UNfeminists.

Brett Maraldo
'For the equality of men and women and all things, universal.'

               --------     Unit 36 Research     ---------
	                "Alien Technology Today"

andrea@ucsd.EDU (Andrea K. Frankel) (06/08/89)

I have held off commenting on the "what is feminism" and "can a male be
a feminist" because I do not see what is to be gained by setting up a

I propose invoking William James' nonsense filter: ask yourself what
difference it will make to you one way or the other - how will it change
what you say and do, how you relate to others, how you live your life?

If it won't make any difference, it isn't worth arguing about.

If it *will* make a difference, what difference would that be?  And

Andrea Frankel, Hewlett-Packard (San Diego Division) (619) 592-4664
	"wake now!  Discover that you are the song that the morning brings..."
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