[soc.feminism] Administrative Mixup - Apologies - Other Administrative Notes

tittle@ics.uci.edu (Cindy Tittle) (06/09/89)

By now, some of you may have noticed some duplication in posts.  This
is due to the set-up we had whereby a copy of all submissions were
sent to me for archival purposes.  As it turned out, the copies were
indistinguishable from "real" submissions, with the consequence that
both I and the "real" moderator (the one who was supposed to have
dealt with the submission) posted the articles.  I did not discover
what was going on until I got two identical submissions.  We have
fixed the problem, so there should be no more duplications.  I
apologize for any confusion this may have incurred.  Oh well, the
great Net experiment marches on ;-)

As far as the archive goes, it will be stored on ics.uci.edu
( under pub/sf-archive.Z.  (I omitted the .Z extension
last time I talked about this archive.)  As I said before, it will
contain a record of *all* submissions sent to soc.feminism.  This
archive will be updated monthly (about the first week of each month).

And now back to our regularly scheduled newsgroup...

The probability of forgetting      | ARPA:   tittle@glacier.ics.uci.edu
something is directly proportional | UUCP:   {sdcsvax|ucbvax}!ucivax!tittle
to .... to .... uh ....            | BITNET: cltittle@uci.bitnet