[soc.feminism] Complaints

tittle@blanche.ICS.UCI.EDU (Cindy Tittle) (06/14/89)

Someone recently mentioned that there have been some complaints about
the handling of the moderation in this group (posted, I believe, to

Please, folks, if you have complaints, send any or all of us a copy of
your complaint.  I do not read soc.singles (and do not intend to wade
through 300+ articles to find a specific one), and so I (or any of us)
have no chance to say or do anything about the complaints.  One person
sent me his complaint, and he can tell you I gave it prompt attention.

Part of the problem may well be that Miriam's site was down for a few
days last week, and Valerie's site was down for major changes at the
beginning of this month.  If you've sent in articles and gotten no
replies nor seen them on the board, then *let* *us* *know*, and/or
submit your article again.

If we don't know about the complaints, we can't do anything about
them, can we?

Our procedure is to notify by mail if the article is rejected for
posting.  No mail is sent if the article is accepted -- the idea is
that you will see it posted shortly.  If you have a problem with this
procedure, again, please send us mail.

As long as I'm here, let me apologize for the times that my .signature
appears at the end of somebody's article.  I occasionally forget to
remove the file before posting an article and inews appends it...  I
really need to write a script for this.

Don't hesitate to send us feedback.


PS: Note that I am *not* saying to refrain from publically
complaining.  I am simply asking that you include a copy of the
complaint to us, since you can't be sure that any of us read the
newsgroup in question.
It is a tale told by an idiot,   \      | ARPA:   tittle@ics.uci.edu
   full of sound and fury,       /\     | UUCP:   ucbvax!ucivax!tittle
Signifying nothing.                     | BITNET: cltittle@uci.bitnet