[soc.feminism] soc.feminism posting

david@cbnewsh.ATT.COM (david.appell) (06/21/89)

In article <DRUID.89Jun6134906@forsight.robotics.jpl.nasa.gov> druid@robotics.jpl.nasa.gov (Andrew Kerne) writes:
>I don't think that men in general have the right to say what is
>feminist -- it is something essentially defined by women.
>So men, please, please, sit with your egos quietly for a little while,
>at least until some women have spoken about this.  Otherwise, the
>connection between soc.feminism and feminism will be approaching
   I understand that what I am about to write is not a *perfect*
analogy, but I think it has some truth. 

   Is this question of whether men can be feminists any different from
the question of whether humans can be pro-animal rights? I know that
women can speak for themselves while animals cannot (directly), but at
the base of both is the ability of people, men and women alike, to
empathize. I think most of us understand why we object to puppy farms
and the slaughter of the African elephants -- why would I not be able
to contribute a voice to a movement that seeks to obtain equality for

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*	-- David                                                          * * *
*			AT&T Bell Laboratories                              * *
* *			...att!hou2d!appell                                   *
* * *						  {all possible disclaimers}  *
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