[soc.feminism] Men and war

gazit@lear.cs.duke.edu (Hillel Gazit) (10/22/89)

A note to the moderator: The subject seems to me as a good one for s.feminism,
but since half of my articles to soc.feminism end up in some bit-bucket I
set the follow-up to soc.men.  Please leave it that way.

[I've complied with Hillel's request on this, though I think the subject
is fine for soc.feminism.  If you experience problems posting, send mail
to feminism-request@ncar.ucar.edu and we'll try to resolve them.  We think
the earlier problem was fixed some weeks ago.  - MHN]

Here is an opinion by a feminist author (Brownmiller) about men && war:

"War provides men with the perfect psychologic backdrop to give vent to their
contempt for women.  The very maleness of the military - the brute power of
weaponry exclusive in their hands, the spiritual bonding of men at arms, the
manly discipline of orders given and orders obeyed, the simple logic of the
hierarchical command - confirms for men what they long suspect, that women
are peripheral, irrelevant to the world that counts, passive spectators to
the action in the center ring."

Here is an opinion by a MCP (me):


Comments anyone?