[soc.feminism] new archive entry, other miscellanea

tittle@blanche.ics.uci.edu (Cindy Tittle) (12/11/89)

The November archive is available under pub/sf-archive.nov89.Z.
It can be ftp'd from ics.uci.edu ( and uncompressed.

I will be gone until the 26th, so here's wishes for happy holidays.

When I come back, I plan to start up reviews of feminist literature.
Feel free to join in!

Until then,

So many worlds, so much to do,    | ARPA:   tittle@glacier.ics.uci.edu  \
So little done, such things to be | BITNET: cltittle@uci.bitnet         /\
                   --Tennyson     | UUCP:   {sdcsvax|ucbvax}!ucivax!tittle