[soc.feminism] Ms. Magazine???

secbh1@sdbio2.ucsd.edu (Lori Stahlman) (07/03/90)

Dear Everybody:

Does anyone know what's become of Ms. Magazine?  I bought my
mother a subscription back in September just before they went in
for an overhaul and I've not seen hide nor hair of them since.

Thanks in advance--


 ~~  What for you is a Norman Rockwell sort of Christmas    ~~
 ~~  becomes for your cat sort of a Stephen King Christmas  ~~
 ~~  when a toddler, in a great show of affection, puts     ~~
 ~~  his/her hands around your cat and says, "Kit-eeeee."   ~~ 
       ~~~  Lori Stahlman ~~~ secbh1@sdbio2.ucsd.edu ~~~

AFM@psuvm.psu.EDU (07/06/90)

 Ms. Magazine had been experiencing problems with their editorial content
because of pressures from advertisers to do less controversial articles
(specifically, articles with a strong pro-choice abortion stance).
The magazine now has a new publisher and the new editor-in-chief is
Robin Morgan (who, as you may know, was the editor of "Sisterhood is
Powerful" and its sequel, "Sisterhood is Global").  The magazine is going to be
totally subscriber supported, with no spineless advertisers to worry about
and is going to take on a more international focus.  It will be a bimonthly
magazine, with each issue being at least one hundred pages.  Price| $40
per year.  Several weeks ago, a mailing went out to solicit support for
the magazine by offering charter membership to the first subscribers.  However,
the first issue was to come out in June/July (tentatively) and I haven't
seen it yet.  Perhaps the mailing did not receive the necessary response
to ensure publication.  I don't have the address for purchasing a subscription
with me now, but I will send it later with another message.

Amy Manderino (you may reach me through my friend`s account afm@psuvm)