[soc.feminism] Help Needed -- Fostering Feminism

frear@ihlpq.att.com (Lori Frear) (06/27/90)

In article <1990Jun25.174916.13530@agate.berkeley.edu> pulos@violet.Berkeley.EDU writes:
>Besides getting her into counselling, I would really like to introduce
>her to "feminist" ideas.  On the other hand, I don't want to indoctrinate
>her or propagandize her.  I just want to suggest feminist ideas to her
>in a subtle way.  She is fifteen years old, and will turn sixteen next
>week.  Can anyone out there suggest any books or poems or ANYTHING that
>I might recommend to her?  She is very bright and likes to read.   
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Look into Model Mugging.  It's a women's self-defense course, but
it's more than that.  It's a very empowering experience, it changes
lives.  It's a lot of money (~$400) but it is DEFINITELY worth 
every cent.  

If you haven't heard much about it, send email, I'll see if I can
dig up some info for you.

(I graduated in May 1990, and will be taking more courses from 


sulak@ge-dab.ge.COM ("John M. Sulak") (06/29/90)

In article <1990Jun25.174916.13530@agate.berkeley.edu>, pulos@violet.Berkeley.EDU writes:
> Recently, my younger cousin moved to the Bay Area to live with my
> family.  She has moved out here to escape an abusive father and a
> number of violent experiences.  The culture she comes from has
> indoctrinated her with some incredibly primitive ideas about the role of
> women.  She confided in me yesterday that she was raped several
> months ago by five of her "friends".  She almost seemed to believe
> that she had done something to deserve it.  Her abusive father used to
> call her a "slut" and a "whore."  Besides being raped, she has been
> the victim of attempted rape many times.  In almost all of the
> instances (that she told me about) the bastards claimed that she
> was somehow "asking for it."
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'd strongly recommend that you obtain the following book for her as the
first one on the reading list [I don't think there is anything similar.]:

_The Right to Innocence, Healing the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse_
by Beverly Engel, M.F.C.C.

Ivy Books
(first Ballentine edition: March 1990)
published simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited,
ISBN 0-8041-0585-5

It would help any rape victim, but especially people whose introduction to
sex, regardless of age, was through physical force, threat of physical
force, or the power imbalance of a adult-child coercion.

It is not particularly a feminist book, but after the intro states that the
book is intended to help male victims as well, the remainder of the book is
filled with the feminist/sexist male-bashing use of the masculine pronoun
for the abuser and the feminine pronoun for the victim.
^   If America's prisoners have too much freedom to be kept drug free,      ^
^   who would want to live in a drug free America?                          ^
Standard Disclaimer: These may not be my opinions, my employer's opinions,
a devil's advocate's opinions, or anyone else's opinions. Are they opinions?

jill@sgi.com (Jill Anne Huchital) (07/07/90)

In article <1990Jun27.142746.16548@cbnewsd.att.com> frear@ihlpq.att.com (Lori Frear) writes:

>Look into Model Mugging.  It's a women's self-defense course, but
>it's more than that.  It's a very empowering experience, it changes
>lives.  It's a lot of money (~$400) but it is DEFINITELY worth 
>every cent.  

I believe it's free for survivors of sexual assault.  And I've also
heard that it's a wonderful program.


swsh@midway.uchicago.EDU ("Janet M. Swisher") (07/07/90)

In article <1990Jun27.142746.16548@cbnewsd.att.com> frear@ihlpq.att.com
(Lori Frear) writes:
>Look into Model Mugging.  It's a women's self-defense course, but
>it's more than that.  It's a very empowering experience, it changes
>lives.  It's a lot of money (~$400) but it is DEFINITELY worth
>every cent.

Also look into women's self-defense classes offered in several cities by
Chimera, Inc.  They offer both three-hour workshops and six-week courses.
I don't remember the exact cost, but I believe it's much less than Model
Mugging.  There is a discount for teenagers and seniors. Graduates can retake
the course for free at any time.  The courses cover everything from self-
defense moves to strategies for identifying and avoiding dangerous situations
to how to overcome "feminine" social behaviors that put one at risk (e.g.,
fear of offending strangers).

Members of the organization also receive a newsletter, which, among other
things, recounts "success stories" of women who have avoided assault.  Helps
to counteract all the images of helpless women that the rest of the media

Janet Swisher		swsh@midway.uchicago.edu	I speak for myself.