[soc.feminism] Answering Ms. questions

beckwith@sierra.STANFORD.EDU (beckwith) (08/11/90)

From the inside back cover of the July/August 1990 Ms. (copied without
permission, all typing errors are my own):

"A Special Note from Robin [Morgan] and Gloria [Steinem]

Because there was no way of doing market research for such a new
venture before we started--and because economy of scale could allow us
to lower the subscription price for everyone--we're trying an
experiment in this issue:  a special introductory offer of $30 a year.
If that's successful enough to become the basic price, those of you
who paid at a higher rate will receive credit:  by extending the
number of issues you receive, or applying it to a renewal, or
receiving one of the books we're planning to obtain for Ms. readers
at a discount.  As you can imagine, it's not easy to arrive at the
price of each copy without knowing how many we're printing--so we 
appreciate your patience.  (And if you're wondering why the cover
price is less than the per-copy subscription price:  it doesn't have
to cover postage and handling.)  Nonetheless, we recommend
subscribing. *"Ms." is now in very few retail outlets, primarily
bookstores, as a way of reaching readers we can't reach by mail.  Only
subscribing will assure you of receiving every issue and assure us of
an ability to plan.*  We also want to revive our tradition of sending
free subscriptions to battered women's shelters, women in prisons and
in hospitals; see page 93 if you'd like to sponsor such a gift in your name."

So, that should explain it.  I was one of the people who sent in $40.
6-8 months ago and was slightly miffed when I received my first copy,
but at the end of July I received a card telling me that my
subscription has been extended for two issues.  I guess the experiment
is a success.

IMHO:  this is a revolutionary concept and worth supporting, so get
those checkbooks out:  $30.00
                       P. O. Box 57132
                       Boulder, CO 80322-7132

Usual disclaimer:  I stand to gain nothing from supporting this
venture except that I will have some great reading available to me (for
the same price it cost everyone else). 
