[soc.feminism] Name Change Upon Marriage? A Muslim point of view.

aytobah@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ali Y. Tobah) (08/18/90)

I happened to be browsing through the different bulletin 
boards, and this message caught my attention.

I am a Muslim.  I know that the religion of Islam is
often portrayed as being very anti-women's rights.  I have
watched dozens of movies and heard countless jokes about
harems and veils etc.  I can't say that I blame anyone
since many people don't get to see Muslims close up,
much less talk to them about their religion or discuss
the reasons for some of their religious practices.
I could tell you some of the absurd things I've heard
in my country (Egypt) about the U.S. or other countries,
but this isn't the place.

Anyway, since this isn't soc.religion, here's the scoop.
I believe Islam was way ahead of the game in not forcing
(or even recommending) that a woman change her name upon
marriage.  In fact, it is recommended that everyone keep
their own name as a sign of pride towards their heritage.
All the other reasons (subservience, ownership, etc.)
for not changing the name were also taken into consideration.
Moreover, a woman's property through inheritance, business,
gifts, etc. cannot be touched by anyone, including her
husband, without her explicit permission.  This goes even
if she is richer than he is, and even if he is supporting
the household alone.  Any other arrangements are, of course,
possible with her consent.

I hope this is informative and spawns more discussion.  I don't
monitor this series, so if anyone posts a reply I would
appreciate a message through regular e-mail.

Ali Tobah.