[soc.feminism] cheesy software

travis@liberty.cs.columbia.EDU (Travis Lee Winfrey) (10/09/90)

Hi, just a note to say that another post of mine was apparently lost.
It was yet another spark in the girls-girls discussion, so it doesn't
need to be retyped in.  However, I'm writing to remind you that if my
posts are being lost, others are, too, except they probably aren't
telling you.

Cindy told me that I should be saving articles before submitting them,
and I agree.  I just forgot because the software had worked so many
times in a row.

[Absolutely.  Especially if your posting is lengthy.  We (the
moderators, that is) will always notify you by email if your
submission is NOT to be posted; if you don't see your article but you
haven't gotten one of the rejection slips, then it is possible that
your article never reached us or that the article has been posted but
not reached your site.  Given the vagaries of email and USENET, both
are entirely possible and somewhat out of our purview to correct.  If
this happens, write to us at feminism-request.ncar.ucar.edu to ask us
about the article.  If it seems to happen consistently, you might try
mailing your submissions to feminism@ncar.ucar.edu instead of using
the 'f' key (but that may or may not help).

Someone has asked about a digest version, given that his feed seems to
be unreliable; we do not do this (but I'm considering doing it).  We
do have an archive of all the submissions sent to
feminism@ncar.ucar.edu stored at ncar.ucar.edu (ftp-able); but this
does not reflect which articles get rejected or modified or sent
directly to one of us for whatever reason.   --CLT]
