[soc.feminism] Mary Daly

mittmann@ral.rpi.edu (Michael Mittmann) (10/23/90)

In article <656080713@romeo.cs.duke.edu> cel@cs.duke.edu (Chris Lane) writes:

>It is my belief that Mary Daly, whom I have not yet had the fortune to
>read, but who's written such enticingly titled books as "Beyond God the
>Father", and "Gyn/Ecology", is on the faculty at Boston College, a, get 
>this, Jesuit university.  I find this highly amusing, and a sign
>of hope for the institutional Catholic church.  

Actually, they tried to get rid of her, but the students didn't
allow it.  On the other hand I heard that she doesn't recognize 
males in her classes (go ahead, raise your hand, she won't see
you).  Not, (IMHO) a sign of hope for feminism...
