[soc.feminism] An Amusing Aside...

kenm@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca ("...Jose") (11/17/90)

	The following is from a VMS fortune program... I thought it
was quite good, and it relates (sort-of) to our discussion of the
changing face of beauty:

The Law of Fashion:
  The same dress is:
	indecent 10 years before its time
	daring one year before its time
	chic in its time
	dowdy three years after its time
	hideous 20 years after its time
	amusing 30 years after its time
	romantic 100 years after its time
	beautiful 150 years after its time
				--- James Laver

	I would only say that this must have been written some time
ago, for the time scales have all shrunk, given the current fashion/
pop-cultural cycles.

".sig quotes are dippy"|Kenneth C. Moyle          kenm@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca
 - Kenneth C. Moyle    |Department of Biochemistry     MOYLEK@MCMASTER.BITNET
                       |McMaster University       ...!uunet!mnetor!maccs!kenm