[soc.feminism] $1.10 on the dollar.

jwm@wdl76.wdl.fac.com (Jon W Meyer) (11/13/90)

Sometime back I saw a posting asserting that, while women, taken as a
whole, make about $.60 on every dollar made by men, single women make
$1.10 for every dollar made by single men.  Does anyone out there have
any references on this?


hjn@ncar.ucar.EDU (Henry Noble) (11/29/90)

In article <1990Nov12.003339.9190@wdl1.wdl.fac.com> jwm@wdl76.wdl.fac.com (Jon W Meyer) writes:
>Sometime back I saw a posting asserting that, while women, taken as a
>whole, make about $.60 on every dollar made by men, single women make
>$1.10 for every dollar made by single men.  Does anyone out there have
>any references on this?

I strongly doubt it.  Most jobs characterized as "women's work" don't
distinguish marital status.  e.g., nurse, secretary, house keeper,
librarian....  These are all lower paid than comparable "men's work".
Some employers use as an excuse for paying women low wages the empty
"old bosses tale" that married women are just working for pin money.
NOT TODAY, and not ever.  Most single women are raising families on
terribly low wages.