[soc.feminism] NEED INFO: Forming Sexism Workshop

mdharris@eagle.wesleyan.edu (11/30/90)


I could use some help.  I am a member of a newly forming group at
Wesleyan University that is trying to put together a sexism awareness
workshop.  The workshop will hopefully be presented to incoming frosh
students during their orientation week, as well as periodically
throughout the school year.

So far our group has decided on sexism in mass media, conversational
sexism on campus, and "same-sex scenarios" that come up with sexism
(eg. a woman makes a comment that offends her women friends, or a man
struggles to speak up when his male friends made sexist remarks) as
topics for the workshop. Another segment of our group is working on
role-playing scenarios.  We are new at this, though, and could stand
to benefit from other who have done this sort of thing before.

Anyway, if anyone out there could e-mail me directly information on
existing workshops of this nature, or any other relevant material, it
would be really appreciated.

Thanks,  Maurice