[soc.feminism] Manhood and wars

gazit@cs.duke.edu (Hillel Gazit) (01/15/91)

In article <53341@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU> (Elissa Feit) writes:
>I mean, hey, according to more than one newspaper source, the
>whole Iraqi thing has something to do with Bush's manhood....

I just wanted to point out, once again, the common feminist idea of
"men cause wars to prove their manhood".

It seems to me like an attempt to blame men for their suffering in
wars, while claiming that "womanhood" is better than "manhood" because
it does not cause wars.

*I* reject this popular feminist idea.

Hillel                                             gazit@cs.duke.edu

"When men are men, slugging it out among themselves, conquering new land,
subjugating new people, driving on toward victory, *unquestionably* there
shall be some raping."  --  ("Against Our Will", Susan Brownmiller)