[soc.feminism] Isn't it time to start treating "white ethnic males" like human beings?

gazit@cs.duke.edu (Hillel Gazit) (02/13/91)

In article <1991Feb9.073629.15666@xanadu.com> 
(Lurker's Significant Other) writes:
>Amen. The popular press seriously messes up. The main beneficiaries of
>AA have been white ethnic males who formerly would never have been able
>to learn about jobs they now apply for. 

Thank you so much for telling us what is good for "white ethnic males",
and why affirmative action is so good for "white ethnic males."  

Would you mind to explain why I have never heard such claim from
any "white ethnic males"; actually some of them said on this very
net the opposite.

"Those parts of the system that you can hit with a hammer (not advised) are
called hardware; those program instructions that you can only curse at are
software."                                               - Richard P. Brennan

lurkette@xanadu.com (Lurker's Significant Other) (02/15/91)

In article <666388813@lear.cs.duke.edu> gazit@cs.duke.edu (Hillel Gazit) writes:
>In article <1991Feb9.073629.15666@xanadu.com> 
>(Lurker's Significant Other) writes:
>>Amen. The popular press seriously messes up. The main beneficiaries of
>>AA have been white ethnic males who formerly would never have been able
>>to learn about jobs they now apply for. 
>Thank you so much for telling us what is good for "white ethnic males",
>and why affirmative action is so good for "white ethnic males."  
>Would you mind to explain why I have never heard such claim from
>any "white ethnic males"; actually some of them said on this very
>net the opposite.

It is because most of the white ethnic males on the net have ever read
any scholarly objective evaluations of AA. Many of the ethnic males on
the net are foreign born and are not aware of how the system worked
before the 1960s. I will reiterate - many jobs are now posted that before
AA would merely have been offered through the Old School Tie network.
That is why fraternity and eating club memberships were so important to
our parents. My father points out that when he was an undergraduate there
were maximum quotas on Jews, Asians, blacks, and Catholics.

"Those parts of the system that you can hit with a hammer (not advised) are
called hardware; those program instructions that you can only curse at are
software."                                               - Richard P. Brennan