35002_4035@uwovax.uwo.ca (03/05/91)
ANNOUNCEMENT SAFIRE (Students Active in Feminist-Inspired Research and Education) SAFIRE is a newly formed network of students at the University of Western Ontario who are interested or engaged in research on women or from a feminist perspective. Students involved in these fields of study are located in many different disciplines throughout the university. SAFIRE is meant to draw these students together so that they might share their research interests with one another in a supportive atmosphere. SAFIRE meets regularly in a variety of forums: discussion groups following guest lecturers on campus, seminars focused on pre- specified readings, paper presentations by members, and regular social events, to name a few. CALL FOR WORKS IN PROGRESS UWO's SAFIRE Network invites submissions for participation in a conference entitled "Unravelling Our Silences: Works in Progress by Students of Feminism(s)" to be held at the University of Western Ontario, May 2-5, 1991. This conference will bring together students of feminism(s) from any discipline who want to discuss their works in progress in a supportive environment. Proposals for panels, roundtables, workshops, presentations, and performances are welcome. Submissions will not be refereed. Send abstracts/descriptions of no more thatn one page in length of your work in progress by February 28, 1991. Space is limited; submissions will be accepted in the order they are received. Be sure to include your current address and phone number. Participants will be asked to use no more than 20 minutes "unravelling" time during their sessions. Send Descriptions and Inquiries to: SAFIRE Network Centre for Women's Studies and Feminist Research University of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 3K7 -- Crystal Fulton: SLIS Elborn College University of Western Ontario Mail Slot 54 Tel.: 645-0066 cfulton@uwovax.uwo.ca