[soc.feminism] Exclusive colleges

jls@igor.rational.com (Jim Showalter) (03/08/91)

Women-only colleges are just as discriminatory as men-only clubs.
This is so patently obvious it doesn't even qualify as an observation.

Those who believe women-only colleges are okay but other forms of
exclusivity are not okay are basically saying it is okay to
discriminate, but only if you do it against men (or, better yet, upper
middle class white men). The hypocrisy of this is so blatant it makes
me want to scream, but for some reason it is accepted because it is
Correct (tm).  Inconsistencies such as these render feminism logically

***** DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed herein are my own. Duh. Like you'd
ever be able to find a company (or, for that matter, very many people) with
opinions like mine. 
                   -- "When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you."