[soc.feminism] locker rooms

jdravk@speech2.cs.cmu.edu (Jeanette Dravk) (02/27/91)

In article <9101182102.AA24713@easynet.crl.dec.com> baranski@meridn.enet.dec.com writes:
>>From: jdravk@speech2.cs.cmu.edu (Jeanette Dravk)
>>Subject: Re: sexist space
>>>"I don't like women sports writers barging into men's locker rooms."
>>"But doesn't a locker room count as "any group"?"
>I think you're being silly, but...

Well you're the one who said "any group" to begin witha s I recall .. though
I admit, this whole thread was a while ago.

>It's ok for women to barge into men's locker rooms, IF it's ok for men to barge
>into women's locker rooms.
>fat chance.  this is typical of the sort of ridiculousness feminism supports.

Well if you want to say that you certainly can.  But I thought you were talking
about me?

If all women are feminist, wether they want to be or not, does that mean
all men are anit-feminists? (Q.E.D???!!)

I think no.

>Let's be real for a moment.  

>It's when a group becomes a 'public' gathering that is must not be exclusive,
>allowing anyone who seek the public agenda/purpose of the group.

Such as, say, when it becomes accepted ... no, demanded by the public and
TV programmers for sports announcers, et al to go into locker rooms after
a game to interview the athletes?

Or is that silly me again?


#*#*#*#*#*#	Transient Creature of the Wide, Wild World	#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

   "Time is not linear to me, it is a nebulous web of existential freedom."

randy@ms.uky.edu (Randy Appleton) (03/06/91)

cdm@gem-hy.Inel.GOV (Dale Cook) writes:

>In article <9101182102.AA24713@easynet.crl.dec.com>,

>Not quite.  It really shouldn't matter WHO's locker room it is.  If
>one sex has access to it, the other should too.  This is an issue of
>fairness, not sex.

I assume you are against women-only spaces and men-only spaces.  If so,
then everything is fine.  If not, then I don't (yet) understand.


My feelings on George Bush's promises:
	"You have just exceeded the gulibility threshold!"

muffy@remarque.berkeley.edu (Muffy Barkocy) (03/08/91)

In article <9101182102.AA24713@easynet.crl.dec.com> baranski@meridn.enet.dec.com writes:
   >From: jdravk@speech2.cs.cmu.edu (Jeanette Dravk)
   >Subject: Re: sexist space

   >>"I don't like women sports writers barging into men's locker rooms."

   >"But doesn't a locker room count as "any group"?"

   I think you're being silly, but...

   It's ok for women to barge into men's locker rooms, IF it's ok for
   men to barge into women's locker rooms.

   fat chance.  this is typical of the sort of ridiculousness feminism

Well, now, wait a minute.  I like to follow the news, and I haven't
heard anything about any female sports teams objecting to sports
writers in the locker rooms.  As far as I have heard, there really
isn't even that much *interest* in female teams, on the part of
reporters.  Also note that, while you can show pictures of men with
towels wrapped around their waists in the news, you really can't do
the same for women, so you probably won't get a lot of TV news crews
wanting to go in.

How about citing some cases where there has been a huge outcry against
male sportswriters interviewing female teams in locker rooms?  How
often has it been tried?  Who objected?

   Let's be real for a moment.  Certainly we ought to be able to have
   some personal privacy and modesty?  We ought to be able to pick and
   choose our loved ones and friends, right?

Yes, and who is advocating anything different?  After all, belonging
to a club or other such group doesn't mean that you have to be friends
(or loved ones) with all the members of the group, or even any of
