[soc.feminism] Periodic Administrative Information about Soc.Feminism

tittle@ics.UCI.EDU (Cindy Tittle Moore) (03/16/91)

This is an informative article about soc.feminism, so if you know all
about us, feel free to hit 'n' ;-)


This newsgroup was created November 1989.  It is a moderated newsgroup
for the discussion of feminism.  All discussion with relevance to
feminism, pro or con, is accepted.  The only articles that get
rejected are those that have strayed from the subject of feminism
(this can be fairly loose), those that indulge in flaming, and those
that are merely repetitive of other articles (this cuts down on
circular arguments that can go on forever).  Occasionally, an article
is deemed acceptable provided that a little rewriting is done.  This
is done on an individual basis with the poster.

Crossposting to soc.feminism is discouraged -- and remember that if
you include a moderated group on the list of crossposted groups, the
article will still be intercepted and sent to the moderator WITHOUT
sending it to the other groups.

This newsgroup is moderated by MULTIPLE moderators, so there is a fair
amount of leeway, as we each work independently unless a really
unusual article comes in.  This arrangement has worked well since the
inception of the group and there are no plans to change it.  In fact,
it works very well since the group is not interrupted by the
vacation/absent time of any one moderator, as so often happens with
other moderated groups.

Your software should make posting here transparent; that is, the
procedure for posting should be the same as with a non-moderated group
at your site.  However, not all sites are set up correctly.  If this
is true in your case, e-mailing your article to feminism@ncar.ucar.edu
will accomplish the same purpose.  This address will select one of the
current moderators at random and mail it to that person.  DO NOT send
email directly to a moderator unless you are working on a rewrite
requested by that moderator.

Sometimes it may seem that an article that you have mailed in
disappears.  This happens occasionally; other times it is simply that
you are not allowing enough time for the moderator to get to the
article, post it, and propogate back to your site.  If you have
questions like this, or other questions for the moderators, mail these
to feminism-request@ncar.ucar.edu and that will reach all of us.

There is a digest version of this newsgroup available.  To get on the
mailing list for it, send mail to feminism-digest@ncar.ucar.edu.  This
list is strictly a distribution of the articles that get posted to the
newsgroup -- if you are limited to email, you can always send your
contribution via email to feminism@ncar.ucar.edu as described above.
[Of course, if you *are* limited to email, you won't be able to read
this directly ;-) I'm sure the information will get around; it always
seems to somehow.]  I expect this information will show up shortly on
news.lists when I get around to it.


"We are confronted with
  insurmountable possibilities."

                -- Walt Kelly