[soc.feminism] Poll: feminist religion & mysticism

maxwebb@moe.cse.ogi.edu (Max G. Webb) (03/26/91)

First, the questions;

        Are there any Goddess worshippers out there?
        What are your favorite Goddess myths/stories?
        Do you know of any organized or quasi-organised
            religious group, that supports these beliefs?
        The more pointers and references I can track down
        the better.

I should probably give you some background  for  this  ques-
tion.  I have no axe to grind, but am genuinely curious.  At
one time I was formally religious (xtian), but  that  mythos
brought  out  and emphasized some unhealthy sides of my per-
sonality (legalistic, type-A driven behavior - very  obnoxi-
ous and very sick.  :(  ). Eventually, I abandoned it. Years
later, I still miss being able  to  pray/meditate  (whatever
you call it), even though I no longer have the kind of over-
defined belief system I used to.

I've been in counseling, and I am trying to rework my under-
standing  of  the  relationship between men and women. I was
reading some mythology last week,  and  found  some  of  the
material on Gaia very moving and inspiring. Current feminist
theology/mythology might be just what I am looking  for,  if
it  is  inclusive and nonhostile enough... (ie. I have never
been able to finish anything by Mary Daly).

I feel no rush to come up with an answer as to whether there
is anyOne out there (or just inside us).

A summary will be posted, if any interest is seen.


                       March 25, 1991