[soc.feminism] Purdue U. Women's Studies Symposium

chencp@athena.mit.edu (Charles lP Chen) (04/08/91)

	First Annual Purdue University Women's Studies Symposium


	Thursday, April 11th to Saturday, April 13th

	Keynote Address: "A Woman Thinks About War."
		Susan Griffin

	Workshops and Topics:
		Gender and Leadership: Current Research
		Issues for Native American Women
		Women Birth Attendants: Witches, Midwives, and Nurses
		Women's History: Current Research
		Women's Studies in the 1990's
		Women and AIDS
		Working in Academia: Clerical Staff Issues
		Mothers and Fathers Teaching about War and Peace
		Feminist Ethics
		The Women's Movement in Diverse Contexts
		Reproductive Rights, Family Planning, and Pro-Choice Position
		Multi-lingual and Multi-Cultural Issues in Education
		The Other Woman: Narratives of the Subaltern
		Women and Disability
		Feminism and Lesbianism - Roundtable discussion

	Speakers include:

		Beth Fitzgerald, Chicago Greenpeace
		Pat Chasting, Toronto Greenpeace
		Jack Watson, U of Oregon
		Marilyn Friedman, Purdue
		Therese Moreau, Lausanne, Switzerland
		Evelyne Accad, Dept of French, U of Illinois-Urbana
		Aparajita Sagar, Dept of Eng. U of Illinois-Urbana
		Lucille Bailey, Indiana University-Kokomo
		Romy Borooah, U of Cincinnati

this is not an official posting of the events.  I am attending as a student,
so this is FYI.  The events are free and are coordinated with other
events occuring on campus. eg. April 13th is Earth Day.  There is a
concert and other noteworthy activites throughout the weekend.

e-mail me for more info.
