[soc.feminism] Dean plans discipline

gazette@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca (Chris Redmond) (04/13/91)

Text from today's issue of the [University of Waterloo? -- AMBAR] Gazette:


UW plans to take disciplinary action against the students who held up
a "No! Means Harder" sign at a televised hockey game late in March --
just as soon as they can find them.

"Everybody has their head down studying to get ready for exams," dean
of students Ernie Lucy said Monday. "It's the worst period in the
world to try to identify people. . . .

"Even if we don't get to the people until the new term, we'll get to

He would not say what disciplinary measures he is considering, but
noted that the university's authority extends to expelling students if
that seems appropriate.

UW officials do think they have the authority to act in this case,
even though the incident took place at Varsity Arena on the University
of Toronto campus, Lucy said. "This particular behaviour clearly
reflected negatively on the University of Waterloo."

He noted that under the University of Waterloo Act, the board of
governors -- and thus the officials who report to the board -- have
the right "to regulate the conduct of the students, faculty and

The incident will be treated as a case of sexual harassment, which is
forbidden by the UW ethics policy, Lucy indicated.

The unidentified students were in a UW cheering section during a game
between UW's hockey Warriors and the University of Alberta Golden
Bears, which was televised on the TSN network.

They held up a sign lettered "No! Means Harder" and another that said
"Stop! Means Please".

Those slogans are assumed to be a response to a campaign against date
rape that has been conducted on Canadian university campuses,
including UW's, this year. Its slogan: "No! Means No", indicating that
if a woman says no to sexual activity, a man shouldn't take that as an
invitation to go ahead.