[soc.feminism] A defense of the liberal arts

gannon@MDI.COM (Alden Gannon) (04/19/91)

In article <9104111902.AA17809@cwns10.INS.CWRU.Edu> al885@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Gerard Pinzone) writes:
>You need to look at it this way. "I have read some Shakespeare" is
>basically equivalent to "I know Newton's three laws of motion".  It's
>the basic common knowledge of the sciences that are absent in these
>liberal arts programs.

I must apologize in advance for following-up a non-feminist thread in
this newsgroup, but I have read such opinions as this several times in
this thread, and can no longer resist comment.

I attended a top 10 liberal arts college at which I had very different
experiences from these.  Philosophy majors would not survive Grinnell
College without taking hard science and math (there are no "non-major"
tracks in the liberal arts), and Mathematics majors (such as myself)
would not survive without a firm grasp of Hegel's dialectic, and
Nietzsche's eternal recurrence.  You haven't experienced the liberal
arts until you've just taken an Electromagnetic Theory exam, have to
make sense out of the Norman conquest, read 200 pages of Tolstoy,
write a 20 page paper on Weber's answer to Marx, and cram for your
Computational Complexity exam tomorrow (the *only* class in your major).
To reparse your own sentence will suffice to underscore my point:

  It's the basic common knowledge of the [liberal arts] that are absent in
  these [science] programs.

I contend that Nietzsche's theory of the soul as purality is "common
knowledge" in philosophy.  Only if you can argue Phenomenology better
than I can apply Newton's F=MA will I consider your implication that
liberal arts programs are "easier" than "science" programs.

I can't think of where to direct the Follow-up, but I know it shouldn't
be here.  E-mail a rebuttal (if you have one) or suggest a more appropriate

[soc.college or talk.philosophy, maybe?  I agree, though, unless you
can bring relevance back to feminism, this is about as far as it will
go here... CTM]

Alden B. Gannon, a.k.a. Zarathustra. INTERNET: gannon%mdi.com@uunet.uu.net
"Gotta find a woman be good to me,     USENET: ..uunet!mdi.com!gannon
Won't hide my liquor, try to serve me tea." --Grateful Dead.