[soc.feminism] When students think rape is acceptable

dgross@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Dave Gross) (04/27/91)

According to falk@peregrine.eng.sun.COM (Ed Falk):
>Scary numbers alright.  Question: did you give a poll like this to
>women?  If not, why not.  If so, could you post the results?
>It would be interesting to have questions worded both ways:
>	Would you feel a man was entitled to sex
>	if he spent more than $50 on you?
>	Would you feel you were entitled to sex
>	if you spent more than $50 on a man?

I haven't seen a study like this that doesn't assume male=perpetrator, female=
victim.  My feeling is that a study like that might prove very interesting,
but we may never know...

At our campus, though, we had the same survey asked to students of both sexes
with the question "Is it alright for a male to force a female to engage in
sexual intercourse if..." and then they tabulated the results by the gender of
the person surveyed.

The most likely excuse was "if they are married," with 12.9% of the men and
9.5% of the women saying that rape was okay in that circumstance.  In just
about every category, men outnumbered women in the affirmative, the exceptions
being three categories in which both men and women responded yes in equal,
low, numbers (1.6% for "he spends a lot of money on her," "he is so turned on
he cannot stop," and "she is stoned or drunk").

The gaps narrowed for some questions (6.5% to 4.8% for "she lets him touch her
above the waist") and were very wide for others (11.3% to 1.6% for "she has
led him on," and 8.1% to 0.0% for "they are separated").  Also, many more men
than women marked "unsure" (14.5% on one question for men, 9.5% on another
question for women).

Overall, less than 75% of men polled were convinced that raping your wife is
not okay; 82.5% of women were sure.

******** INTERNET: dgross@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU ******* GEnie: D.GROSS10 ********