[soc.feminism] Dworkin's Latest

kenm@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca (...Jose) (05/15/91)

	There's been no comment yet on Andrea Dworkin's latest pearls
of wisdom, specifically those from the recent conference on Women in 
a Violent Society.  The most controversial bit was something along
the line of "women should be organized to kill the men that beat
them".  I recognize the importance of the extremist in forwarding
the reasonable goals of the moderates, but I really think that Ms.
Dworkin carries things too far.  Why does she still get so much
serious attention?  She reminds me of the Christian fundamentalist
zealots who gave the average evangelical Christian a bad name (back
when I still was in the fold, we also tended to not bash the 
extremists, even when they did make us wince.... odd).

".sig quotes are dippy"|Kenneth C. Moyle          kenm@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca 
 - Kenneth C. Moyle    |Department of Biochemistry     MOYLEK@MCMASTER.BITNET 
                       |McMaster University       ...!uunet!mnetor!maccs!kenm