[soc.feminism] Sexist Treatment of Women by Computer Salesmen

elworth@leland.stanford.edu (Julie Therese Elworth) (05/21/91)

I'm new to this b-board and the purpose of this note is get some stories
from women about sexist treatment they've received in computer stores.  
I am a graduate student studying sociology at Stanford, but this isn't the 
subject of my dissertation.

Over the last seven years I have experienced the insulting treatment that
computer salesmen have inflicted on women. I recently decided that I was
naive in expecting the treatment of women to change by itself.  So, to that
end, I have decided to collect stories from other women about their
treatment by computer salesmen.

I would like to share the information I collect with a newspaper that would
be willing to write a story about the subject.  At the same time, I can't
promise that anything will come of this.  I can only promise you I will

I can promise that your identity will remain confidential, that is, I won't
identify you by name or by any unique set of characteristics.  I will use
quotes from your stories excluding those words that identify you.

Feel free to skip any questions you don't care to answer. If you have any
questions for me or you know of someone who is collecting the same
information, please tell me. Please send your responses directly to me at
my e-mail address.   Thank you.

Julie T. Elworth

1. Please describe each sexist experience you have had with computer
salesmen; How were you treated?  What made the experience sexist?

2. For each experience please describe whether you were looking or planning
to buy; Whether you were evaluating hardware, software or both?  The name
and location of the store (street/city/state). What action you took in 
response to the treatment you received (e.g. not making a purchase, 
writing a letter of complaint, or avoiding the store, etc.).

Background Questions:
3. About how much of your own money have you spent on hardware in the last
10 years? And how much on hardware in the last year?

4. About how much of your own money have you spent on software in the last
10 years? And how much on software in the last year?

5. As part of your job are you responsible for making hardware or software
purchases?  If so, about how much money over the last 10 years and within
the last year have you been responsible for spending on computer equipment?
Do you influence others in their hardware or software purchases (either co-
workers, friends, family members, etc.)?

Please add anything else you think is important.  As alluded to by these
questions, I am interested in documenting sexist treatment and the
financial loss to companies that is the result of sexist treatment.
Unfortunately, those at the companies who are in a position to change
things don't listen unless they know they are losing money. Thank you for
your help.