[soc.feminism] Do all men benefit from rape?


In article <7906@alvin.mcnc.org>, ge@mcnc.org (George Entenman) says:

>But I submit that we all *benefit* from rape, whether we wish to
>or not.  We have no more choice in the matter than those of us
>who are white benefit from living in a racist world.

>It's not hard to imagine how we "nice guys" benefit.  Women
>need us to escort them at night or in dangerous areas.  We
>fantasize about rescuing grateful women from a rapist (and here
>I would ask the male readers of this newsgroup to look honestly
>at themselves).  We get to post understanding articles to this
>newsgroup and to feel accepted and needed by women.  And many
>men benefit from having wives and girlfriends who are not free
>to move about at night, for example.

I disagree.  I don't want to have to escort women around, and I don't
fantasize about rescuing them.  I don't enjoy being around women
who aren't strong and self-sufficient.  It actually makes me
*MORE* insecure to find myself in a position of "male strength."  It is
a responsibility that I didn't choose to have.  I don't get any thrills
from relating to women like I do to children.