[soc.feminism] Another Outrageous Judicial Decision

nadel@aerospace.aero.org (M.H. Nadel) (05/23/91)

I ran across this item in the Wall Street Journal the other day.  A judge
in Alabama dismissed a sexual harassment charge.  His reason was that
the complainant did not wear makeup or color her hair at the time of the
alleged incident.  Apparently, the appearance of the alleged harasser's wife
indicated that a woman who didn't wear makeup or color her hair could not
possibly have been sexually attractive.

Following the same logic, I am apparently entirely free to harass clean-shaven
men.  After all, every man I've been involved with for the past 12 or so years
has had a mustache so I couldn't possibly find a clean-shaven man attractive.

I know nothing of the merits of this particular case, but from what I read it
sounds like this judge wasn't interested enough to find out if there were

Miriam Nadel
"Bond had long considered himself the perfect amalgam of brains and brawn -
erudite enough to understand the Sunday NY Times; strong enough to carry it." 
                                   - Sol Weinstein, You Only Live Until You Die