[soc.feminism] info re: Peter N. Stearns, author of "Be a Man!"

kuento@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (06/01/91)

Howdy,  I've recently received a copy of "Be a Man!  Males in Modern
Society"  written by Peter N. Stearns, and am supposed to review it
for an international journal.  Because I feel that it is nearly
impossible to effectively evaluate someone's work without knowing a
little about how s/he feels, thinks, and reacts to issues in addition
to their background, I wish to queery (sic) a few questions about
Peter Stearns.

	1) Has he written other books/articles?  If so, what do you
know about them or where could I go to reference them myself?

	2) How does he regard himself with respect to feminism,
masculinism, or activism in general?

	3) Do you know of any other relevant information re: Stearns?

	4) (and most remote)  Does anyone know if he is online and if
so, what is his address?

Thanks immensely for your assistance.

Jim D-B

------(please include "JDB" in subj header of mail to this user)------
Jim Danoff-Burg     (Snow Museum, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045)
Bitnet: KUENTO@UKANVAX     "Myrmecophiles-R-Us"