[soc.feminism] administrative note

tittle@ics.UCI.EDU (Cindy Tittle Moore) (06/06/91)

This is just a reminder to y'all.  There is an email address,
feminism-request@ncar.ucar.edu, to which you can send comments,
questions, and complaints.  If you sent in a submission but never saw
it appear nor ever got a "rejection" or "needs work" slip, you can
inquire via this address to try and determine what happened.  If you
are particularly incensed with some aspect of the way soc.feminism is
run, or postings that it approved, you can send a message to us.  If
you're particularly happy about something, let us know about that,
too.  If you have questions about why we do particular things, or what
our policies are on specific issues, you can ask here.  This is the
only way we can know what you readers are thinking.  We'd like to
avoid meta-discussion on the group itself unless absolutely necessary,
but we do want to know what you think.

And with all such correspondence, please include a mail address at the
end of ryour message.  Mailers do not always deliver email with a
viable return address...

Please do NOT use this request address for submitting articles.  If
you have difficulty with your mailer and want to email your posts,
send them to feminism@ncar.ucar.edu instead.

Thank you.

tittle@ics.UCI.EDU (Cindy Tittle Moore) (06/06/91)

There is a digest version of soc.feminism available.  Digests are sent
out about once a week depending on the group's volume.

Direct all inquiries to feminism-digest@ncar.ucar.edu.
