[soc.feminism] private discussion about pornography

dan@cubmol.bio.columbia.edu (Daniel Zabetakis) (06/08/91)

   Over the past few weeks and months, I've been discussing with various
friends the issue of pornagraphy. I have been unable, however, to find
a person who approaches the issue from the point of view of a female
feminist who opposes pornography because it may be harmful to women. I have
several friends who hold this point of view, but they always say " I don't
know, but I've heard people say..."  And then feel that they cannot push
thier point of view to forcefully. I'm looking for someone who feels they
can argue from this point of view.

   What I would like is to have a friendly academic/intellectual discussion
by e-mail with someone who holds this point of view, and can explain it
clearly and rationally. Eventually, I'd like to be able to find primary
references for any statistics that may be cited.

   I know that many people hold the view that pornagraphy is wrong because
it is harmful to women, but none of my friends feel strongly enough about
it to discuss it in depth. I'm sure that there are some people out there
who can.
