[soc.religion.christian] Creation '89

lm@amara.uucp (David Michaels) (07/01/89)

  My name is David Michaels, I am a 17 yr old who just returned from Mt.
 Union, PA, where Creation 89 was held at Agape 
farms.  It was the best experiance of my life, second only to when I became 
a Christian.  For those of you who don't know, Creation is a "Tribute to 
our Creator", a 4 day Christian music festival.  The weather was horrendous,
it rained every day.  There was so much mud cars were getting stuck 
everywhere.  But, to my amazement, there was always people to help pull you
out.  I have NEVER been in such an atmosphere of love and compassion. What 
a glimpse of how wonderful Heaven will be, this was Heaven on Earth!
  We were lucky to have brought a CB, while we waited (several hours on line
outside the main gate to get in) we met and became phriends with the people
we spent most of our time with.  8 hours after I first spoke to them on CB,
we were in their trailer (all 16 of us) talking, praying, singing songs,
holding hands, hugging, and, of course, playing Mad Libs!  My phriend was
on crutches, (knee surgery) and a woman we met walking on the side of the
road towards the stage held a healing prayer session right there, all 5 of
us.  It was like I was part of this wonderful family of 45,000 people, all of
whom acted like we were best phriends, and had known each other for all of
our life.  
  The music was fantastic, some artists performing were the Newsboys, Russ
Taff, Michael W. Smith, Carman, and many more awesome people (Roger Cooper
was there)
  The weather could not dampen our spirits, although there were some injuries
and property damaged.  I was extremely blessed throught.  I have made many
new life-long phriends, and grown closer to Jesus.  The presence of the Holy
Spirit was obvious, 45,000 Christians worshiping and praising God in one 
  I will be going next year.  And every other. Imagine if liphe was like this
all the time.  Praise God!  Anyone wanting frther info (about attending next
year or my trip this year) mail me.  It is definately a blessing for all who 
  Radically Saved,
-Dave Michaels
    (account curtesy of Larry Michaels, my father.)