[soc.religion.christian] TWO SIDES of the $10 BILL - Law and Grace

davidbu@tekigm2.men.tek.com (David Buxton) (10/13/89)

The two sides of the $10 Bill:

Two of my neighbors each ask a different question.   Each  of  these  ques-
tions has a different answer:

    QUESTION_A: One neighbor asks "What must I do to be saved?"

      ANSWER_A: Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.

    QUESTION_B: I Love Him, what would God have me to do?

      ANSWER_B: Jesus said - "If you love me keep my commandments."
                The Gospel Commission.

Until my first neighbor becomes a 'Born Again' Christian and  is  sincerely
asking  Question_B  the second answer will mean little to him/her.  It does
little good to try and answer questions that people are not asking yet.

We hand out a counterfeit if we offer the same answer  to  both  questions:
Legalism  is offering ANSWER_B for both questions.  It is also a fraud when
we insist that "Just Believe" is the answer to both questions.

It is also a bogus Ten Dollar Bill to insist that the Gospel Commission  is
the  only answer to QUESTION_B.  I shall presume that everyone accepts that
the Gospel Commission is a very good partial answer for QUESTION_B.  Do not
think that I, in any way, discredit this commission.  I simply set it aside
to limit my scope here.

I do not take the time to  talk about  phony Nine Dollar Bills.



     * Under the Law I am condemned even if I  (hypothetically)  no  longer
     break  any of the commandments starting mm/dd/yy.  I did break the law
     at some point in my life.

     * I find no condemnation under the law until I respond to the  prompt-
     ings  of  the  Holy Spirit and come to Jesus.  Even big time criminals
     have a way of justifying their crimes to their own satisfaction.

     * Those who have not come to Christ feel pretty smug  about  how  good
     they are.

     * Only as I respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit - only  as  I
     come to Jesus and Believe on Him can I be saved.

     * I come to Jesus and find that the law does condemn me, that I  am  a
     sinner, that I truly do need to be saved from my sins.

     * Now the law can be my school master and  I  discover  that  I  am  a
     sinner desperately in need a Saviour.


     * At the cross I am freed from the dispensation  of  law  and  eternal
     death.   At  the  cross  I  personally,  on  that date, come under the
     dispensation of grace which is a free gift.

     * Paul urges me to die daily - to come to the cross every day.

     * I leave the Old Dispensation behind and accept the New Dispensation.
     I do it yesterday, today and tomorrow.

     * It is easy to revert back to the Old Dispensation.  It  is  easy  to
     try  and  do  things  my  way instead of God's way.  It is so human to
     depend upon my own resources instead of turning to Jesus.

     * A relationship with Jesus is vitally important.  I need to meet  Him
     at the cross on a regular, daily basis.  Paul sets a very good example
     by saying "I die daily".

     * If we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ we will be saved.  We can  be
     delivered  from  our  burden of sin and we can indeed be saved.  Jesus
     can then do a mighty work to change our hearts now that we are willing
     to let Him do so.


     * Now that I have come to the cross and found Jesus and learned of His
     love for me I begin to care about what He would have me to do.

     * Now I am eager to do things His way instead of my way.  To do things
     God's way instead of man's way.  I do want to do what He would have me
     to do.

     * "If you love me keep my commandments."  (John 14:15)

     * I do not keep the Law.  Jesus Christ, living in  me,  gets  all  the
     credit  for all victory over sin.  I must understand that my objective
     is to draw closer to Christ, especially when I am not motivated to  do
     what He would have me to do.

     I am reminded of Peter walking on the water.  I must step out  of  the
     boat and walk with my eyes upon Jesus.  The minute I look back I start
     to sink.  Staying in the boat does not solve anything.

     * At the time that God gave His people the Ten Commandments he made it
     clear  how  they were to go about keeping His law.   "And these words,
     which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart;"   (Deut  6:6)
     It  is  the  'New  Heart',  placed  in the heart experience, the 'Born
     Again' experience that makes it all possible.

     * In the Old Testament we see that there were those who did and  those
     who  did  not  do  it  God's way.  As a nation, the Children of Israel
     failed miserably in their attempt to keep the law on their own  terms.
     Individually there were exceptions.  There were individuals in the Old
     Testament who did understand the true plan of salvation and  did  par-
     take of the 'Born Again' experience.

     * In Hebrews 8 we see that God has a New Covenant with anyone; regard-
     less  of nationality, race, creed, sex; who have the 'New Heart' 'Born
     Again' experience and do keep the Commandments of God.  Read verse 10.
     It  is  the  'Place  in  the Heart' experience that makes it possible.
     This is not the 'New Law' of the New Testament.  Rather it is  clearly
     the how-to of both the OT and the NT.

     * The Bible is full of simple and at  times  gut  wrenching  tests  of
     Faith.   We  are  given the strength to meet these tests of Faith.  We
     will 'not be tempted beyond what we are able'.  There is a big differ-
     ence  between  a  simple  test of Faith and a legalism.  Sometimes the
     only difference is found in our attitude.

     * God's law provides a simple succinct test of Faith.  Any  man  made,
     orthodox or liberal, Mishna is striving to worship Him in vain.

Those are the two sides of the Ten Dollar Bill and the  paper  that  it  is
printed on.

(To be Continued - See next Posting)

   8-) (-8      Dave (David E. Buxton)
     .-.        davidbu@tekigm2.MEN.TEK.COM

    .   .       Smile!  Its a beutiful day!