ELEE6CK%JANE@uhvax1.uh.edu (10/27/89)
Hello, and greetings to all my fellow Christians out there in netland Praise the Lord! I am a charismatic, born-again Christian (of the Roman Catholic sect). I would be interested in hearing from anyone out there, especially charismatics. FYI: I am a senior electrical engineering student with an interest in computer engineering and theology[not technology, theology]. Response to ONE TRUTH-- ONE PATH-- maybe I don't quite understand you since I more or less skimmed your article. Truly I believe John 14:6 "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no one comes to the Father but through me...." However, if the Roman Catholic Charismatics have taught me one thing, it is that it is more important for us to confess the lordship of our Beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ rather than to confess lordship in any particular *human* doctrine, including religion. I have no right to force anyone to my way of thinking or belief system, be they Christian or not. To limit God {as a trinitarian, invoking One invokes the Three) to a particular sectarian dogma contradicts the notion of the Omniscience. In summary, religion is for us-- we are for the Lord (see Paul's letters to Timothy). BTW, I witness to other Christians, but also to non-and anti-Christians, if only to inform them of certain facts about our shared belief system. The point of all this is: You and I are Christians... we experience the power of Jesus Christ in our lives, and in the lives of those around us. However, we (people in general) look at God (in general) differently simply because we are different. Religion (finite creatures loving an Infinite God) is a strong function of culture. Regardless of the label I give myself, God still comes first in my life-- not to judge, but I wonder if maybe you are trying to scare people into confessing lordship to you and to your politico-religious system rather than confessing lordship to the Lord of lords. H. Augustine Flores [.sig "O Beauty of ancient days, forever old, forever inri new... our hearts are restless until they rest | Thee..." St. Augustine of Hippo, Confessions] -------------- | | Victim and Victor... Hallelujah! | | |