[soc.religion.christian] 'Sin leading to death'

MATH1H3@uhvax1.uh.edu (David H. Wagner) (12/08/89)

[This is a response to a question about 1 John 5:16-17.  It
distinguishes between a sin that does or does not lead to death.
David says he used to think that all sins are equally fatal, but
wonders how to deal with this passage.  I responded that I didn't
think I Jn was distinguishing between serious and venial sins, but
rather was referring to the infamous "sin against the Holy Spirit",
which is not forgiveable at all.  This posting is a comment on that
aspect.  --clh]

The best definition of the "sin against the Holy Spirit", which is what I
understand to be the "sin leading to death," is given in Hebrews 6:4-6 :

	"It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have
tated the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted
the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall
away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are
crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public

	Thus the sin against the Holy Spirit is a complete and utter rejection
of Christ by a believer. One could say that such a person completely expels the
Holy Spirit from his heart.  For such a person we should not pray.  The
obstacle to repentance here is not that God's grace is insufficient to forgive
the sin, but that the person has so hardened his heart that faith is
impossible.  As one pastor described it to me, "If you have enough faith to
worry whether you have sinned against the Holy spirit, then you haven't".

	Now in a sense, any sin can be said to lead to death, because if we
persist in the sin it can defeat the faith which God has given us.  The
Christian should flee all sin.  As God said to Cain, "If you do not do what is
right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must
master it."  But when we do sin we can confidently approach God as our own
Father and say "Father, forgive me, not because I deserve forgiveness, but
because your Son Jesus has already received my punishment, and conquered death."
No one who does this is guilty of a sin against the Holy Spirit.

David H. Wagner
My opinions and beliefs are completely separated from my employer's
lack thereof.