[soc.religion.christian] Alcohol: Good or Evil?

procsy@cbnewsd.att.com (Jeff Sargent) (02/09/90)

I like the comment on this topic made by Frederick Buechner in his book
_Wishful Thinking:  A Theological ABC_.  Approximate quote from memory:

	   Unfermented grape juice is a bland and pleasant drink,
	especially on a warm afternoon mixed half and half with
	ginger ale.  It is a ghastly symbol of the life blood of
	Jesus Christ, especially when served in individual,
	antiseptic, thimble-sized glasses.
	   Wine is booze, which means it is dangerous and drunk-
	making.  It makes the reserved amorous and the timid brave.
	It loosens the tongue and breaks the ice, especially when
	served in a loving cup.  It kills germs.  As symbols go,
	it is a rather splendid one.
-- Jeff Sargent   att!ihlpb!jeffjs (UUCP), jeffjs@ihlpb.att.com (Internet)
AT&T Bell Laboratories, IH 5A-433, Naperville, IL  (708) 979-5284

gilham@neon.stanford.edu (Fred Gilham) (02/12/90)

There's always Joy Davidman's phrase: "That abominable fluid, grape

-Fred Gilham    gilham@csl.sri.com