(jeff) (06/07/90)
[Jeff B Lindborg objects to the concept of God punishing people with hell. It seems unfair to him that people who were raised as non-Christians or are not able to believe in God should be punished with Hell. He thinks that Christianity is perpetuated by fear of hell, that without that Christianity would have died long ago. --clh] Jeff, You have touched upon a very important difference between 'salvation' as a reward and the lack of 'salvation' as a punishment. God can be viewed as the rewarder or the punisher. I agree with you that some 'cultural' Christians are motivated by fear of punishment. Yes, if a child is told something by a respected person, they will believe it. If a child is raised with the notion that God is waiting for them around every corner, seeking to cream them with His 'hell' stick, they're bound to grow up afraid of God. On the other hand, if a child is raised knowing that God loves them, which is the message repeated over and over again in the Bible, they won't grow up afraid of God. Instead: - They will respect Him for who He is. - They will honor and praise Him for the forgiveness He has for us. - They will have comfort in the knowledge that they will not be held accountable for the 'times that they did not obey God' (a simple paraphrase of 'sin'). - They will choose to obey God out of love for Him. - They will turn to Him for answers and assistance. In my own faith, I am not 'afraid' of God. I fear (respect) Him because He is the creator, the ultimate authority. I was not afraid of my father while I was growing up. I respected the authority my father had in my life. I new he loved me and had my best interests in mind. I learned to be obedient to him and grew strong and confident, knowing I was correct to be obedient. In the same way, I rely on the love God has for me. I respect Him and choose to be obedient, because I am confident that what He instructs me to do is, in fact, in my best interest. I am confident and comforted in the knowledge that Jesus was sent to do what He did because of the love that God has for us. > > Email me, I can help you get over your feelings of superstition and fear. I, too can help you get over your feelings of superstition and fear. It only requires a desire to know what God really has in store for us and why. What's the answer in a nutshell? 1. Pray that God will show you the truth, and 2. Open the Bible and read what it has to say. Don't just take my word for it, study God's word. It's easy and natural to be afraid of the unknown. That is why it is so important to know what God has had written in the Bible. There's a lot to the Bible. Don't expect to know what it says in a few minutes of skimming. Find poeple who know the love of God. Ask questions. But most of all, find out what the Bible has to say. May God bless you with His grace and love. Very sincerely, Jeff Loucks -- [ jeff@SLOVAX.WA.COM -- Jeffry H. Loucks, RDA, Inc. (206)967-8018 ] [ -or- 1304 34th St Ct NW, Gig Harbor, WA, USA 98335 (206)851-8908 ] [ Buried with Christ in baptism, raised with Christ in a newness of life! ]