[soc.religion.christian] "tounges"

timh@linus.uucp (Tim Hoogasian) (06/09/90)

i know the question of whether "speaking in [unknown] tounges" has 
been bashed around for many years, but i still have a lot of difficulty
accepting the speech that sounds like "gibberish" to my ears.  i tend
have similar feelings to John MacArthur in that in the original context
of tounges, the "tounges" were foreign languages - and that whenever
they were manifested, the Spirit also provided someone to function as
an interpreter for the speaker.

while i have friends who are "charismatics" whom i consider very God-
fearing and spiritual, i don't see a purpose behind the incomprehensible
sounds that emanate when they "pray in tounges."  i've heard arguments
that it is some form of "groaning utterances" the Spirit controls, either 
for praise or supplication, but that doesn't wash well in my mind.

it doesn't seem reasonable that "tounges" is a "special" form of prayer -
at least, not in any way superior to "normal" prayer.  why would God wish
to promote division in the Body by giving special attention to anyone in
particular's prayer format?  i guess the whole question comes back (in
my mind anyway) to "what's the point?  what purpose does it serve?  if
it doesn't really have much purpose (seemingly), why is it manifiested?"

this is a serious question.  would the Spirit provide a gift that can't
be understood?  why?


Tim	  |	ARPA:  timh@ide.com		 (home)  (415) 574-2125
Hoogasian |	UUCP:  sun!ide!linus!timh	 (work)  (415) 543-0900 x332
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