(Louie Crew) (07/18/90)
An Announcement of Special Interest to All True-Blooded Fundamdentalists in the U.S.A. and Iran Z. Strange Lott, a patriarchal millionnaire from Leviticus, Alabama, has established The Pillar of Salt Foundation (POSF), a tax-deductible trust to distribute hetero daughters to marauding homosexual males. Mr. Lott, who made his fortune in salt mines and in asbestos, said at the garden party in front of his lava-molded mansion, that he hopes POSF will bring much delight and and satisfaction to millions of gay men, possibly leading to their hetero conversion. To show his own good faith, Mr. Lott placed 20 of his own granddaughters up for auction to the gays, in memory of their ancient maiden aunt who had been similarly disposed of. "We can no longer just tell these people to change their ways," Mr. Lott announced to the press corps. "We must be willing to put our own children on the line as people did of old. It is not fair for us to proclaim one part of the Scripture and yet to forget the sacrifices which Scripture specifies for us." Mr. Lott said that he hopes that fundamenta- lists the world over will either put up or shut up. (RNN, July 15, 1990) ============================================================================ ===== Louie Crew: ==== ===== CompuServe No. 73517,147. FAX 201-648-5700 Attn. Conklin #156 ==== ===== Rutgers/Newark, NJ 07102 201-485-4503 h; 201-648-5434 o ==== ===== or ==== ===== Box 30, Newark, NJ 07101 ==== ============================================================================