[soc.religion.christian] Barriers to Evangelism

lcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu.rutgers.edu (Louie Crew) (07/24/90)

In article <Jul.> gilham@csl.sri.com (Fred Gilham) writes:
>...it is likely that Christianity in the U.S.
>will find itself in a situation a lot like that of Western Europe.
>Then we will not have the comman Christian cultural basis to underly
>our evangelistic efforts; instead we will really have to approach
>things like Paul did, who to the Greeks became as one without the law
>(though under the law of Christ).  We will have to find the entry
>points in our culture where the gospel can progress, without assuming
>that people know what we talk about when we use Christian terminology
>and jargon.  We will have to be a lot more creative.

Fred, I suspect that time is already here in most population centers of our
United States.  Here's my own attempt to address it, but still probably 
too much within the context of my own church (Episcopal).  

When I lived in England (65-66, 70-71), I did find much relief be shut of
some of the community of respectability that the church still had in my
native Alabama.  A dwindled church often recovers some of the urgency and
power of the church of the catacombs...    Anyway, here's my parochial 

                                On Evangelism
                                by Louie Crew
                             Rutgers University
     Millions will never know God's love if we do not incarnate it.
     Too readily we abandon some of our most effective ways  to evangelize.
For  example, we have dismantled scores of  college  ministries over the last
two decades, deeming them "not cost  effective"--accountability inspired by
Big Business.
     God  reckons  differently.   I  can  name  over  30  acquaintances   now
members who first learned about our church while they were in college. For
some of these, our faith community provided the first evidence that
Christians can respect the mind.  For others, we provided the first evidence
that Christians can love nonjudgmentally:
       "Father Gribbin came right into her house like he was perfectly
       comfortable there!"
     The young atheist referred to Emmet Gribbin, chaplain at Alabama in  the
1960s.  The student's friend had had a baby out of wedlock, and the student
observer  was  pleasantly shocked to discover that a religious  person  could
respond without scorn.  Instead, Father Gribbin saw to it that the mother and
the  baby got what they needed, materially as well as spiritually.  The  baby
is now grown, and its mother and stepfather are now active members of our
church, as is  the prominent  lawyer,  who was the undergraduate atheist
student at  that  time. Through love and simple kindness Father Gribbin spoke
far more cogently  than most of their childhood pastors.
     Just as true, unlove and unkindness stifle evangelism:
     For  example, racism now severely inhibits growth in most parts  of  the
Church.   Recently I taught at a small black school  where  I  had
taught  18 years earlier, in my native South.  On the earlier occasion,  most
of  my colleagues attended the various churches of their youth.   Last  year,
many stayed at home, except on Easter and Christmas.  Many who knew that I am
religious,  told me that they are anxious not to throw the baby out with  the
bath water, but are unhappy with traditions that leave little room for  their
intellect.  Ripe for joining?  Yes, but....
     That  town  has two Episcopal churches, about 300 yards away  from  each
other.   The white parish operates a youth camp with funds that  it  received
from  a black family; but it removed a  deacon, another Southerner, when  the
deacon  suggested  that he might occasionally invite youths  from  the  black
parish to join the white youth for church functions.  1969?  No, 1989.
     Classism also inhibits evangelism.  The Southern black  parish
to  which I belonged, has the highest percentage of Ph.D.'s that I have  ever
encountered  in  any  congregation;  yet  few  people  without  Ph.D.'s  feel
comfortable  worshipping  there.   If  they knew  how  much  God  loves,  the
parishioners would jump to share God's love with everyone.  Even their vicar,
my dear friend, long ago quit bringing in guests, not wanting to subject  the
guests  to  subtle  forms  of rejection  in  that  congregation.  These  same
rejectors were kind to me personally, at risk to themselves, and I love  them
dearly.   They are not evil, only myopic.  With better vision, the Church
everywhere could double membership in five years.
     Sexism  also inhibits evangelism.   For  several years  I  lived  in one
of the dioceses that still refuse  to  recognize  the  priesthood  of women.
A retired woman priest was frequently a house  guest,  and  on one occasion
we held a house mass, inviting anyone and  everyone  to come.   The  huge
crowd spilt into the front and back yards on a  hot summer  afternoon.   Most
of the women at the local Catholic convent came,  as  did  women   leaders
in  the  local  Lutheran,   Methodist, and   Presbyterian  congregations.
When the bishop wrote a letter asking my house guest not  to  celebrate,  the
local newspaper took the Good News  of  God's  unconditional  welcome all
over the county.  While one member of my parish refused to  share  the  Peace
with me after that time, at least two other  persons  date  their  first
interest in my church from that occasion.  One was only  ten  or eleven then;
last week she sent e-mail to me from her campus, noting  that she has become
joined us and may become a priest.
     We  have worried too long about how our positive convictions will  drive
people away who disagree with us.  It is high time for us to celebrate  those
whom our convictions welcome, many for the first time.
     Homphobia  inhibits our evangelism.  Millions of lesbians and gays  have
fled  churches,  in  other denominations even more than in  our  own.    Some
lesbians  and gays stick around church not fully convinced that they  belong.
Other  lesbians  and  gays  have understood clearly that  God  loves  us  all
unconditionally, not on our own merits, but on Christ's.     We need help  in
spreading that Good News.
     Clericalism  also inhibits evangelism.   Bishop Frey  has poignantly
warned, we're in danger of becoming a club   of  clerics with  fewer and
fewer members.  While individual priests sometimes  encourage us  to place
them in charge of everything, more often  we  lay  people  put priests  in
charge against their will.  "We pay you; now you do all of God's work," we
seem to say.
     We  can't  evangelize  in that way.   Professional  ministry  is  indeed
important,  but no more important than "to do the work you have given  us  to
do,  to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord."  That's
everyone's vocation.
     The  remedy  for  excessive clericalism  is  not  anti-clericalism,  but
instead,   a  strong  vision  of  lay  ministry.  Even  the  most   dedicated
professionals cannot do lay ministry.  Even the most charming of priests lack
ubiquity.   They  can  never see and influence all the  people  whom  we  lay
persons touch.
     Simple  neglect also stifles our evangelism.  Few people ever bring  any
non-Christians  to  church  with  them.  Do  they  fear  non-Christians  will
misunderstand  their  motives?   Are they afraid to seem pushy?   I  bring  a
steady  stream of visitors, especially house guests, and even those  who  are
atheist and agnostic  seem to understand that I am not trying to convert them
when I take them to Church with me.  I never pressure them to pretend they're
anything  that  they are not.  I respect their decisions,  and  they  respect
mine.  Many seem to enjoy my sharing what they know to be an integral part of
my life.  Taking them to Church is an unconditional part of my hospitality.
     Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit, the real Evangelist, has made good use of
these  visitations.  At least four non-Christians who first traipsed  off  to
church as my guests over the last two decades, are now priests in our church.
     Hundreds  of gay people won't come to church if I ssk them to  join  me,
but many will begin to come if heterosexuals will start inviting them.
     If every person in our pews invited just one person every three  months,
God's  kingdom would grow phenomenally, especially if we invited  those  whom
others have made to feel unwelcome.
     To  evangelize, we do not have to corner a stranger, thrust at tract  at
her,  and  ask,  "Are  you saved?"   We don't have to  buy  a  share  of  the
copyright  some people think they hold on the words "Born Again."   We  don't
have  to memorize a dozen Bible verses to convince a sinner that he  is  lost
and  that  we alone hold his only chance.....   For many of  us,  all  theses
tactics  sound  like  bad taste, even bad news, especially  if  delivered  by
someone  concerned more to get herself into heaven than to bring love to  our
     While  the Anglican style is not for everyone, God's love is,  and  many
there are who will not know God's love if we fail to  incarnate it.
     The most serious barrier to evangelism is that we lose sight of how much
God loves us and how fully God wants us to love the world.
 (Appeared in _The Episcopalian_, March 1990, in a slightly different form.)

  =====             Louie Crew:  lcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu              ====
  =====  CompuServe No. 73517,147.  FAX 201-648-5700  Attn. Conklin #156  ====
  =====      Rutgers/Newark, NJ 07102 201-485-4503 h; 201-648-5434 o      ====
  =====                               or                                  ====
  =====                    Box 30, Newark, NJ 07101                       ====

gross@dg-rtp.dg.com (Gene Gross) (08/17/90)


I read your article with great interest.  While we might disagree on
some things, in the main you have an excellent point.  When considering
how to present the Gospel to others, I must look back at what drew me.
It was that immeasurable and incomparable Love that is in Jesus Christ
our Lord and Saviour.

One thing that interests me greatly is how the Apostles evangelized the
world, as they knew it back then.  I'm reading books on early Church
history and the lifes and times of the Apostles (reading William Steuart
McBirnie's book _The Search for the Twelve Apostles_).  Eye opening

Also, I think the way we live our lives, privately and publicly, says
volumes to non-believers.  I have two books that deal with this, one
directly and the other indirectly, if anyone is interested in titles.

BTW, I don't have a problem with using the phrase "born again" or the
word "saved" in relation to a person's relationship with the living God.
It is, after all, the core of the Christian faith--a living relationship
with the living God.  Our salvation makes this relationship possible.  I
personally know of no other way to achieve this relationship with, this
reconciliation to, the living God except through Jesus Christ.  And this
is what I want to share with others that they can enter into that

IMHO, evangelization only starts here.  When a person believes (pistis),
they must then be discipled.  And that is something that is in great
need in the Church today.

May His joy be yours,
