[soc.religion.christian] ONLINE BIBLE and CONCORDANCE

swood@53eng1.waterloo.ncr.com (Sid Wood) (08/21/90)

Firstly, I apologise for the length of this article; however, there
is much information contained herein and should require no follow-up.

The first section is a screen dump of the copyright screen at the
beginning of the program.  Following that is text from the users'
manual explaining pricing and ordering information as well as some
of the copying constraints.

         To be notified of changes, write:             
                 Mr. Larry Pierce                      
    R.R. 2, West Montrose, Ont., Canada, N0B 2V0       
 Scripture quoted by permission. Quotations designated 
 VERSION.    Copyright   1973,   1978,   1984  by  The 
 International  Bible  Society.  All  rights reserved. 
 Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.     
  Copyright (c) 1990, Woodside Bible Fellowship v3.99  
--------- FROM THE MANUAL -------------

         The following offerings are available from us.  Normally orders 
 are shipped the same day. However, we stop shipping one month before a 
 new version is to be released.  Also, my wife and I like to occasionally 
 take a month's holiday. You should get your order about one week after 
 your cheque clears your bank. We do not cash any cheques until after the 
 order is sent. The following amounts are the suggested donation to us to 
 cover our costs.

 Packages                              U.S. Funds      Canada Funds

 Scholar's Pack                           $30              $35
   - installation disk
   - 1611 AV coded to Strong's Numbers
   - Greek and Hebrew Lexicon
   - 186000 NT cross references

 Laptop New Testament (AV only)            $4               $5

 NIV Pack
   - installation disk,                   $25              $30
   - NIV Text Module
   - 186000 NT cross references

 Printed Instruction Manual                $5               $6
 (Not Available until May 1990)
 (Manual required only if you
  do not have a printer. A copy
  of the manual is on the
  installation disk so you can
  print it yourself.)

 Specify disk size, 360K, 720K or 1440K. (1440K preferred).  Postage and
 handling, in Canada and US, $4, elsewhere $8.  No Postage and Handling on
 Laptop New Testament.  Canadian orders add 7 percent GST starting in
 1991.  Ontario orders add 8 percent PST plus GST.

 Make cheque or money order payable in Canadian or U.S. dollars.  Cheques
 drawn on US banks must be made payable in US dollars.  A personal cheque
 is quite acceptable.

                            - 59 -              Feb. 14, 1990

                The Online Bible, Version 4.0

 Please make cheque payable to "L. Pierce in trust".
 All orders shipped airmail.
 Any defective disks replaced free of charge.

 If you have any questions, write or call us 1-519-664-2266
 (call between 5pm and 9pm EST on weekdays).

        Mr. Larry Pierce,
          R.R. #2,
            West Montrose, Ont.
              N0B 2V0

         To minimise the number of disks for version 4, we had to
 radically change the file formats. Otherwise the upgrade to Version 4
 from version 3 would be as large as our present Version 4 package. Hence,
 there is no upgrade package from version 3 to 4. For a limited time we
 will upgrade Version 3.0 of the NIV to version 4.0.

         The NIV requires a substantial royalty to be paid to the
 publisher for each copy. You may NOT distribute the NIV.  Zondervan has
 lots of highly paid lawyers.

         We are not a large company and this entire project was done 
 without thought for reward. Feel free to vary the suggested donation to 
 help defray our costs. Taxes apply to the suggested donation amount, not 
 to any excess. Our intention is to spread the use of computers as tools 
 in helping to understand God's Word. That's why we paid the royalty on 
 the UED editor for you. Hence, we allow anyone to distribute the AV 
 material and lexicon's without any consideration to us. All we ask is 
 that you do not modify the material we supply you. We have had several 
 complaints caused by well meaning individuals who ruined our installation 
 procedure. If you must change our material, please send us a copy before 
 you distribute it, so we can verify that it will still install and run 
 correctly. Failure to do so is a breach of the terms of the copyright.
[usenet]					Sid.Wood@Waterloo.NCR.COM
[cems]		WAT-ENG-ASET@CEMS Forward-Path: Sid.Wood@Waterloo.NCR.COM
NCR Canada LTD, E&M Waterloo, 580 Weber St N, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Voice: (519)884-1710 Ext.661;  VOICEplus: 643-1661;  FAX: (519)884-0610