[soc.religion.christian] Christian History Book

sacg1198@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Scott A Cattanach) (08/21/90)

All the books I have seen about the history of Christianity seem to
concentrate on Rome until the Reformation, and then on Protestants
and Catholics after that.  Is there a book that is not so concentrated
on Western Christianity?  I realize the book I am asking for would be 
a mile wide and an inch thick.  An inch thick is a price I am willing
to pay right now.  Does any book mention every Christian group of some
reasonable size and/or relevance?

 -catt (catt@uiuc.edu)

I've never really trusted Smokey the Bear.  Everytime I see him I
wonder what happened to the Boy Scout that was orginally wearing that hat.