In the spirit of the importance of reading the originals, I am herein reproducing (in resurrecting our ecumencial discussion) the original condemnation of Anglican orders by Pope Leo coupled with the official Anglican response. First "Pope Leo VIII On Anglican Orders" from the Epistle Apostolicae curae, 13 September 1896. Acta Sanctae Sedis (96/97), 198 sqq. Extract in Denzinger, 1963 sqq." (No, I don't know what all that means; this is quoted from "Documents of the Christian Church," second edition, selected and edited by Henry Bettenson; Oxford University Press, 1963.) Begin quote. [In 1894, largely through the efforts of Lord Halifax, Leo XIII appointed a commission to inquire into Anglican Orders. Some members of the commission were convinced of their validity, but a further commission of Cardinals laid down the view which the Pope published in his letter.] ...In the rite of the accomplishment and administration of any sacrament we rightly distinguish between the ceremonial part and the essential part, which are usually called the matter and the form. And all are aware that the sacraments of the new law, being sensible signs and signs efficacious of invisible grace, ought both to signify the grace which they effect and to effect the grace they signify....Now the words which up to the last generation were universally held by Anglicans to be the proper form of ordination to the priesthood, viz. Receive the Holy Ghost, are surely far from the precise signification of the order of the priesthood, or its grace and power, which is especially the power of consecrating and offering the true body and blood of the Lord in that sacrifice which is no mere commemoration of the sacrifice accomplished on the cross. This form was indeed afterwards augmented by the words "for the Office and work of a priest," but this rather proves that Anglicans saw that the first form was defective and inadequate. And the addition, even if it were able to give the necessary significance to the form, was brought in too late, for a century had elasped after the acceptance of the Edwardian Ordinal: the hierarchy had died out and there remained no power to ordain. Similarly in the case of episcopal consecration. For to the formula "Receive the Holy Ghost" the words "for the office and work of a bishop" were not only added too late but, as we shall soon remark, a different interpretation is to be placed on them than [is understood] in the catholic rite....So it came about that, sincethe sacrament of ordination and the true Christian priesthood has been utterly cast out of the Anglican rite, and thus in the consecration of bishops of the said rite no priesthood is conferred, so no episcopacy can be truly or right conferred.... With this deep-seated defect of form is joined a defect of intention, which is equally necessary for the performance of a sacrament....And so...we pronounce and declare that ordinations performed according to the Anglican rite are utterly invalid and altogether void. End quote. -- Sincerely, Cindy Smith _///_ // SPAWN OF A JEWISH _///_ // _///_ // <`)= _<< CARPENTER _///_ //<`)= _<< <`)= _<< _///_ // \\\ \\ \\ _\\\_ <`)= _<< \\\ \\ \\\ \\ <`)= _<< >IXOYE=('> \\\ \\ \\\ \\_///_ // // /// _///_ // _///_ // emory!dragon!cms <`)= _<< _///_ // <`)= _<< <`)= _<< \\\ \\<`)= _<< \\\ \\ \\\ \\ GO AGAINST THE FLOW! \\\ \\ A Real Live Catholic in Georgia