[soc.religion.christian] It is Christ who lives in me!

daveh@tekcrl.labs.tek.com (David Hatcher) (09/23/90)

  Below is a quote taken from _The Inner Eye of Love_ by William
  Johnston. Johnston here is pointing towards that aspect of one's
  relationship with Jesus Christ where the spiritual or mystical
  union with Christ becomes alive with in the action that happens
  when "Christ lives in me". (Note: The words "in Christ" appear 164
  times in Pauline writings.)

  The reason why I am posting this is because I'm interested in
  hearing about the inner experiences the Christians in this forum have
  had regarding this spiritual aspect of knowing Christ first hand.
  I am pointing past theology here and going right to the direct inner
  experience of Christ alive within in the lives of Christians. 

  I'm hoping for several things to happen with this exercise. First
  and formost is in the lessons we all will learn in seeing how 
  others know and experience Christ. My hidden aggenda (which is
  now not so very hidden) is that with this exercise Christians 
  who are opposed to other sects of Christianity, because of 
  differences of theology, will now have a chance to see *what is*
  with in the hearts of those whom they alienate. And conversly,
  those who feel alienated, because of theology, will now have an
  opportunity to share their inner most experiences of Christ in
  their lives. God willing, perhaps a sort of understanding and unity
  will form that is based and centered on Christ and not on theology.

  I have only two request:
  First; I'm looking for direct experiences of Christ. Not theological debate.

  Second; Try your very best to *hear* what folks are "trying" to say with
	  out any preconceived feelings. Read between the lines. Feel with
	  your heart what other folks are attempting to get across.

  So with out further ado, here is that quote from Johnston... 
  The point I wish to make here, however, is that while Paul heard about
  Christ and "received" the good news from apostles and eye witnesses,
  he also met Christ, he was involved with Christ, he lived the good
  news in his busy life. And this shines through his theology: it is
  a theology which wells up from the depths of his powerful, inner
  experience. He writes about original sin as one who experiences
  original sin; he writes about redemption as one who experiences
  redemption; he writes about the death and resurrection of Jesus
  as one who experiences the death and resurrection of Jesus within
  himself; he writes about the Spirit as one who has received the 
  Spirit: he calls God Father knowing that the Spirit of Jesus within
  is calling out: "Abba Father!"; he speaks of the love of Jesus as
  one who experiences the love of Jesus. In short, the theology
  of Paul is based not only on a historical event in the past but
  also on a living mystical experience in the present. This is 
  what I mean when I say that mystical experience is the core
  of authentic theology.

	David Hatcher

			It is no longer I who live,
			but Christ who lives in me	
				Galatians 2:20